There are so many adorable little pedestrian streets tucked away in corners of Paris. Sometimes you might just stumble on one randomly... ... and at other times, you might be led there because a dear friend is opening a wonderful news shop and atelier for knitters! Yes! My friend Aimée, owner of L'Oisive Thé et Tricot in the Butte aux Cailles (13ème) is opening a second shop in the same neighborhood! (So proud of Aimee and her husband Julien!) Located at 27 Rue Paulin Méry, just near Place d'Italie, La Bien Aimée sells wool, knitting tools and mercerie/sewing notions. They'll also be offering workshops, so sign up for the mailing list to find out when the first workshops will be available. Once you arrive at Rue Paulin Méry, you won't have any trouble finding La Bien Aimée - just look for the bright, sunshine-yellow exterior! (This was my photo taken weeks ago while they were still doing the construction, but don't you just love the color?) You'll still be able to buy some knitting products (and knit, of course!), over at L'Oisive Thé, but with the new shop, Aimee has expanded her capacity to carry even more beautiful wool and...
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