It is nearly finished now. Presque. And not one moment too soon. The whole unpleasant six week ordeal. The scar that didn't want to heal and which completely screwed up my holidays in the south because I couldn't swim. The pain, both before and after. The having to be poked, prodded and treated on a daily basis by doctors and nurses while juggling a language barrier. The stress, stress, STRESS. The tears, which seem to creep up on me out of nowhere when I'm least expecting it, even if five minutes earlier I was smiling and laughing at something. There are few events in my life where I can honestly apply the word "traumatized" without over-dramatizing things, but I think it's fair to say that I have found this entire gall-bladder removing, gangrene-discovering, realizing-I-could-have-DIED experience traumatic. Which is probably why I still have nights, like last night, where I can't sleep from reliving it... and crying about it. Oh yes, I am still having moments where I just break down and cry. Even sob. Which feels so stupid to me, like why am I being such a big fucking baby about it... even while I recognize the tears are a... Read more →