This week's column in is up and running: "So Many Men, So Little to Talk About", referencing my recent experiments with French on-line dating websites. Being single and 40-something, I have finally (and thankfully) moved beyond the stage of life where my relatives feel the need to ask when I’m going to meet someone nice, get married and start a family. Mostly because I think they’ve given me up as a lost cause in that department. It’s true: I’m not interested in having a family at this time in my life. And because I’m not interested in doing that, marriage now feels optional. Don’t get me wrong, I think marriage could be wonderful with the right man, but given current divorce rates it doesn’t exactly guarantee a lifelong commitment. That being said, I WOULD like to have a really good man in my life: a trusted partner, best friend and lover all rolled into one. And it’s been FAR too long since I had one of those. I won’t bore you with the details of why it has been almost a decade since I’ve been involved in a relationship with anyone special, but suffice to say a bad breakup... Read more →