So, the last thing my case worker said to us during our interview was that there would be no more interviews and I just had to wait it out for a year. Famous last words. Guess what I got in the mail today? A hand-addressed envelope from the Ministry of the Interior/National Police with a convocation to present myself to the Ministry concerning my request for naturalization. I'm to bring copies (again) of my ID, proof of residence, recent pay stubs and a CV (that's a résumé) with a current photo. I haven't had a résumé in 15 years since I've been self-employed and I sure as hell don't have one in the French CV format. The letter also doesn't mention whether or not Georges needs to be there. Oh, and by the way, the date they want me to appear? Is the last date I'll be in New Jersey. They very thoughtfully provided a phone number I could call if the date and time isn't convenient. I am also instructed (in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS) to use the same phone number to confirm (it's IMPERATIVE!) my appointment. Small problem. I've been trying to get through on that number for HOURS... Read more →