I read an article on CNN.com today that was cross-posted from Oprah.com. It was written by Martha Beck, Oprah's current resident life coach and author of a number of books, on the topic of "How (not) to get a man". Having done all the wrong things myself for over 30 years of my dating lifespan, I was curious about what Beck's take on this would be. Beck holds the "Rules" (yes, I'm linking to it but I wouldn't recommend it) and similar other manipulative dating strategies up to severe scrutiny, and I'm rather glad she did. Because they definitely do NOT work. Forget what your momma told you: "Play hard to get, keep him dangling"; "Don't act smarter than he is"; "Don't eat a lot at dinner, he'll think you're going to get fat"; "Don't sleep with him on the first few dates" (although in fairness, that one often makes good sense). Also, forget "perfect", if "perfect" means "without flaws of any kind". If you are looking for a guy who is a GQ model, making $250K a year, driving a silver Mercedes convertible, who never belches, farts or forgets to put the seat down, you're going to be alone.... Read more →