After spending more than a week at my sister-in-law's house, I now understand the expression "It's like herding cats". The adorable kitten she adopted last summer has now grown into a randy adolescent who is a typical cat with her imperialistic ideas.
"Feed me, humans, and be quick about it -- or it's off to the guillotine with you!" - Queen Missou I
She is also a young cat in heat, and driving us crazy. I've never been around a female cat in heat, and while woman-to-woman I can sympathize to a degree, she is just downright annoying. I can write about it today with a bit more good humor because she seems calmer and it seems that her chaleur is pretty much over. I think it won't be long, though, before she will have to go to the vet for a little procedure, for her own sake as well as for the humans around her; there are too many free-range male cats running around this apartment block and no sense taking a risk in having a teen pregnancy on our hands. Right now we can't even let her out on the balcony unchaperoned, because she's threatened to jump and make a run for it. Just like a teenager, wanting to sneak out and party, right?
"Je cherche un homme, un homme, un homme..."
Still, she's really a lovely cat, as cats go. It's no secret that I prefer dogs, but this cat is affectionate and playful, and likes the company of people. She adores my sister-in-law and is the perfect companion.
"I will do exactly as I please, human, and you will LIKE IT."
Now, if we could only train her not to jump, walk, or lie down on the dining table, where she leaves black hairs everywhere, she'd be ideal. But train a cat? Pfft. Who's kidding who?