I recently got a new look for myself (see photo at right) - a fresh, lighter "do" to usher in spring and perk myself up. So I thought it was also time for a new look for The Bold Soul blog as well. I'm actually in the process of revisiting both my blog and web site designs, and will probably be making some more customized changes to both in the coming months. But in the meantime, I decided to choose a new theme from Typepad. I won't be customizing the top with my own photos with this one. And instead of the full blog post right on the main page, you'll see an excerpt, and you can either click the post title or the "Read More" link in the excerpt to see the entire post. I've also updated the menus both at top and bottom of the page, as well as streamlined what's available on the sidebar. Some of the menus will link you back to pages on my web site. Unfortunately, Typepad -- which hosts my blog and which I've paid for monthly from the start of my blog 10 years ago -- is really behind the times when... Read more →