I'm not complaining, mind you, but it is rather odd to see flowering trees BLOOMING in the little square at the end of our street. In January. In Paris. Poor little trees must feel so confused, and they are bound to suffer when we get the inevitable freeze (perhaps even snow) before winter's end. Then when spring actually comes around in March or thereabouts, they won't know what they're supposed to do.
I mean, here we have a whole row of trees flowering for at least the past week (I've also seen rose bushes with blossoms elsewhere in Paris, also) because the temperatures have been just that mild. But then there is that wicked cold front going on in the northeastern U.S. where it's much colder than normal for many areas. Is Mother Nature on smack or something?
In the meantime, I do enjoy seeing these delicate pink blossoms every time I walk past the park. Gives me hope that January (my least favorite month) can't last forever.