This is a first. Saturday was The Bold Soul's 7th blogiversary.
And I totally forgot about it. Until just now when I read's post about how today is her blog's 11th. I looked at the date on her post... and then it sunk in.
I frigging missed it. February 25th was my blog's 7th.
Chalk it up to coming off a week of gastro hell, and finally feeling well enough on Saturday (the 25th) to get out for the day with a friend (and two of her friends) from back home. Plus doing stuff for the rental apartment, feeding and entertaining kids, and packing and getting me and the Little Guy down here to Saint Raphael today. Either that or I really AM inheriting some senior memory issues. Which is another topic altogether.
Enough about how I missed it. Let's talk about this: SEVEN YEARS, PEOPLE! We've been here together, you and I, for SEVEN YEARS. As they say in Vegas: Lucky 7!!!
When I stop and think about where I was seven years ago and where I am now, how my life has changed and how *I* have changed, I am even in awe of myself. Some days, I still can't quite believe I had the nerve to do what I've done and change my life. And all as a result of one late-February day, having an epiphany about what I was supposed to be doing with my life if I ever wanted to be happy and well in my own skin: I was supposed to be living in Paris and writing.
So I listened to my epiphany, and here I am. I came here alone. I made friends, one by one. I explored. I took pictures. I learned more French, and also learned how much I still have to learn about French. I traveled around Europe a bit; not as much as I might have liked, but I've seen some wonderful things that I'll remember all my life. It wasn't always easy. It wasn't always perfect. It still isn't. But I love my life.
Best of all, I fell head over heels in love with the most wonderful man in the world. And his kids. (The cat, not so much, but we made our peace with each other before she went to her new home. Clachat's still there with her new family, doing great, by all accounts.)
I'm still working on the "writer" part of the picture, but I'm making progress. I do feel like this year is going to be a big year for me as a writer, and I'm excited for what might be coming. That, plus our adventures in French real estate and changing homes again ourselves, will keep me pretty busy the rest of the year, I think.
Whether you've been with me since Day 1 or whether you just strolled in through the open door yesterday, I just want to say Thank You. I truly wouldn't have lasted this long without you.
I'll try not to forget the day next year.