I just wanted to take a moment to say that while I have been silent in reaction to the many comments and suggestions on the two recent posts about my weight loss struggles, I do appreciate all the general support, concern and willingness to be helpful. I know full well how hard it is to get a handle on body image and losing weight, so I am thankful some of you felt compelled to share your own stories and challenges. Merci, mes amis. My silence on the matter has everything to do with me, and nothing to do with all the good advice. It's an issue I need to work out on my own. I had thought that writing about it publicly might help me make sense of what is going on in my head (which is where the issue really is, of course), or that "coming out" with my struggles might somehow catalyze me into a higher level of commitment and action. That has not proved to be the case. Now, I'm not so sure how much I want to say about something that I haven't really figured out for myself yet. On the one hand, I've made a... Read more →