Overheard between a French husband and his American wife this evening: She (pointing to a red box with the image of a familiar, motherly-looking woman of color): "I made myself some pancakes for lunch this afternoon. A LOT of pancakes. And they were good. Even though they're not crepes." He (reading the box and mispronouncing the name): "Aunt JEM-in-a. Oh, that's like Uncle Ben's." She (rolling her eyes): "No, sweetie, it's Aunt Je-MIM-a. And no... Uncle Ben's had an old white guy with white hair and a black hat." He (grinning with French superiority): "No, my love, Uncle Ben's rice has a black man on the box." She (running to grab her laptop, SO ready to be RIGHT, for ONCE): "Oh REALLY?!? Which one of us is the American?" She Googles "Uncle Ben" and prepares to click on the link. He (following her and standing in the doorway, still grinning): "It's not QUAKER OATS... it's UNCLE BEN. And he's BLACK." She (realizing with dawning horror, even as the Uncle Ben site loads on her screen, that once again, he's got her. And there, smiling at her, is the warm and inviting face of Uncle Ben himself. Clearly NOT the old... Read more →