So I'm sitting here, laptop on lap, minding my own business, relaxing for a few quiet moments after the doctor just left (yes, you can get a doctor to come to your HOUSE for just 45 euros. Try THAT in America. He even spoke some English). I woke up this morning (second morning in a row) with a swollen right hand that also felt stiff and achy, and the swollen feeling seemed to be spreading up my right arm, and being the closet hypochondriac that I am, of course my imagination jumps right to a worst case scenario and I think maybe I'm having a stroke or something. Turns out it seems to be a pinched nerve either in the wrist or possibly up in my neck, and I need to go for some massage treatments and therapy; wouldn't be the first time I've had pinched nerves, and I'll take that diagnosis over "imminent death" anyway. So like I said, I'm just relaxing and playing games on Facebook working on a client's manuscript when it happens. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a movement. In the kitchen. Where nothing whatsoever should be moving. At the foot of...
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