I thought you might like to read this week's issue of "The Exception", and here's a short snippet:
When you try to create a bolder life for yourself without a clear vision of what it's going to look like and feel like, it's exactly as if you're trying to drive cross-country without a road map; you'll get somewhere eventually, but probably not where you want to be. People who choose to drift through life with no clear vision are also those who often end up dissatisfied with what they've got; then they scratch their heads and wonder how they got there in the first place. The answer? Because they weren't living CONSCIOUSLY, they weren't LIVING BY DESIGN, they were flying on auto-pilot. No wonder they're not happy with their destination.
If having a clear vision for your life is something you're feeling challenged by right now, I invite you to join me and the Pearl members of the NO EXCUSES Coaching Club for our monthly coaching call tomorrow, October 20th, at 4pm Eastern, where the topic will be "Creating Your Bold Vision". Even if you can't attend the live call, if you enroll now you can download the MP3 recording afterward. At just $24.97 for an hour of professional coaching, you can't beat the value! Hope you see you there!