Two years. It's still incroyable to me that Georges and I have been together for Two. Whole. Years.
First off, before Georges, I'd never been in any relationship that lasted more than about 15 months, so already we're ahead of that curve, having also now been married for 15 months as well (as of October 12). So the realization that we've been together for this long is sort of blowing my mind. In a good way, of course. There was a time, not all that long ago, where I was beginning to doubt my ability to do "long term". I don't doubt it anymore, though; it only takes finding the right person to make it easy.
Every day for two years, I've had something to be happy about... because of Georges. I've had laughter in my life... because of Georges. I've had kids in my life, something I'd kind of given up on altogether. And I've had love -- wonderful, over-the-moon, perfect, giggly, fabulous, unconditional, movie-love love -- every single day for two years, because of Georges. How do I even begin to thank the Powers That Be for all of that? My gratitude knows no limits and it's overwhelming.
A couple of days ago, I said to Georges: "You know, these have been the best two years of my life, these two years with you."
And he smiled and said: "So far".
He's right. It will only get even better from here.
Je t'aime, mon coeur. Et merci.