I am in a bit of a small panic at the moment, as we fly in one week, have a revolving "to do" list that still seems to have a lot on it (although we did manage to cross a lot off it this weekend), and I seem to have come down with bronchitis, of all things. A bride-to-be with the bronchite. Holy merde, this is not good. Friday night, we were doing some necessary cleaning behind where the washing machine sits, and the dust plume was so bad it had us both coughing the rest of the night. The next day, I felt all day like I had a cold coming on, so I took appropriate measures with cough syrup for the toux sec (dry cough), Zicam, and lots of tea and rest. Yesterday I was still coughing and clearly something was up, but it felt like a normal cold-cough, and I switched from the dry-cough syrup to an expectorant to try and break up whatever was going on in there. And last night we went out to La Défense to catch a little of the free jazz concert. So I didn't really feel all that horrible, just a... Read more →