OK, so not actually ON my head, but over it.
My office space in the house has a skylight. Every so often, I will hear the dulcet tones of pigeon feet gratte-ing as they walk around on the tin roof around the skylight. I can't help but look up, and then see them peering down at me. Suspiciously. Like they don't trust me. Uh-oh.
Flashing back to Tippi Hedren in The Birds now...
I've been to that schoolhouse in Bodega Bay, by the way, back in 1998. The area around it has been built up with a few houses, that tree to the left of the school is now taller than the entire building and the playground equipment is gone now (all movie props) but otherwise when I saw it, it looked just as forlorn and creepy in '98 as it did then. I think the current owners probably gave it a fresh paint job and someone added a picket fence in front to make it feel more "homey".