I am finally planning my "grand tour" around Europe! I had been putting it off, waiting to see if my grandmother's health would stabilize (or not) and since it now appears she is stable for the moment, I have decided to go ahead with my plans. After all, she is partly the motivation for me doing this, because it is her 1956 travel itinerary I am attempting to replicate for this trip. It's all part of the research for the book I want to write. So far, my own itinerary is looking pretty ambitious. Not only am I trying to hit as many of the places as my grandmother (plus grandfather and father) saw when they did their trip nearly 51 years ago, but I'm taking a few of my own detours as well. I figure if I'm going to do it, I might as well see as much as I can. It won't be the kind of in-depth travel I normally prefer but it will give me the chance to see a little of everything, and I can always come back if I fall in love with a particular place. But the "Europe Lite" style of travel was how... Read more →