Last night, I got "recognized" in public as an author, for the first time. I was at Carr's with the Expats Paris group, having a glass of chardonnay and, well, meeting up with people. I was having a conversation with Michelle, an American, and mentioned that I was a writing coach. All of a sudden, her eyes got HUGE and she said, very excitedly: "Wait a minute... YOU wrote that BOOK! The one about 'finally writing a book', right?" I stood there for a moment, completely thunderstruck. To date (14 months since launch), I have sold precisely 42 copies of my little 95-page e-book, "The Writing Coach's Guide to FINALLY Writing Your Book!" That's an average of 3 books per month, which is lovely and I'm very proud of selling ANY but it's not exactly paying my rent. The last thing I expected with such modest book sales was to meet a total stranger and have her already know about my book! Turns out that Axel, one of the group's organizer's, whom I'd met about 6 weeks ago at a Meetup lunch outing, was a friend of Michelle's and had told her about having met a writing coach who...
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