There are presidential elections going on right now in France and everywhere I go there are posters and books on Nicholas Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal. And in the U.S. we're dealing with what has turned out to be NUMEROUS early candidacy declarations for the 2008 presidential elections which means we'll be living with these annoying politicians for a LONGGGGG time. So this quote from Macbeth seemed to sum up my mood about politicians in general. Much as I recognize the importance of these elections, the behavior of people in politics while trying to get themselves elected (and the behavior of their hangers-on) leaves a sour taste in my mouth and gives me a migraine. I can't wait until the dust has settled, but it's going to be a long wait. And so, my only recourse is to vent via Shakespeare: "Fit to govern? No, not to live!" -- William Shakespeare, Macbeth 4.3.102-103 Read more →