"Change in all things is sweet." (Aristotle) I love change. I know most people are anxious, if not downright scared, of change, but I thrive on it. In fact, if things stay the same in my life for too long, I often get bored and look to change something, anything. Which is ironic because I'm a Taurus, and we're supposed to be creatures of habit, people who like the same-old-same-old. I guess I'm not a typical Taurean because for me, too much "same old" is like slow torture. To some, change is about endings, and this is what scares them about the prospects of something changing. When change occurs, these people focus on what they believe is being lost or left behind, instead of on what wonderful things might be around the corner. Even something that at first seems to be a change for the worse--such as losing a job--can turn out to be the best thing that ever happened. It's all in how you choose to look at it. "The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it." (Marcus Aurelius) To me, change represents possibility, new beginnings, hope, freedom, excitement. I moved to Paris in part...
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