Today, this news story appeared on, concerning a new line of chocolate products from Mars, Inc. (who makes M&Ms). The new line, called CocoaVia, is made with a dark chocolate high in antioxidants that are found naturally in cocoa beans, which may thin the blood and may lower blood pressure.
Naturally, the skeptics are out there claiming chocolate cannot be used for "medicinal purposes". Let 'em claim it -- I know better. Chocolate saves lives. There have been times when chocolate has prevented me from wanting to kick the crap out of someone I am annoyed with. You know, those times when you're pre-menstrual and everything gets on your nerves, or when you just want to strangle that irritating coworker or smack that pushy guy standing next to you on the subway. Have a piece or two of really good quality chocolate (not that over-sugared over-processed stuff you find at the supermarket check-out, I'm talking about the really GOOD stuff, high in natural cocoa, like the Lindt Excellence bars) and suddenly your mood lightens and for the next 20 minutes or so, all is right with the world. No Prozac required, and no one gets hurt.
Eat the high-quality chocolate (dark chocolate, not milk) and you crave less because it's less processed. It's the added sugar in milk chocolate that makes you want more of it, not the cocoa. I can eat a couple of squares of dark chocolate and stop, whereas with the milk chocolate I have little self-control. According to WebMd, you can eat a 1.6 bar of dark chocolate a day, but pick a brand that is high in cocoa to get the benefit of the flavonoids.
As it happens, I actually LIVE in the very town where Mars makes M&Ms and CocoaVia. Sadly, they don't have a public "store". But if you check the CocoaVia website, you can locate stores near you (in New Jersey it appears they are sold through Walmart and Walgreens) or buy online if you can't find a retailer in your area. I think I will run out today and pick up some - they make both chocolate bars and 'snack bars' - and will let you know if they're worth it.
So, ladies (and gents), if you love your chocolate, now you have a strategy for enjoying it, guilt-free, knowing that you are doing something good for your health (as long as you eat it in moderation) and are preventing violence at the same time.
How many things in life can you say THAT about?